Mental Growth: 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Personal Growth

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Bailando, riendo y jugando, se olvidan los problemas por un rato, se feliz un momento, escucha música, ríe, camina, intenta hacer algo que en verdad te divierta.

Photo by Juan Camilo Navia / Unsplash

As human beings, we are constantly growing and evolving. Our mental growth is just one aspect of our overall personal growth. Our mental growth is important because it allows us to learn, process information, and make decisions. Additionally, mental development will enable us to grow individually and collectively.

What Is Mental Growth

Mental growth is a gradual process that evolves throughout our lifetime. It is characterized by gaining new knowledge and understanding and developing new skills. Our environment, experiences, and interactions with others influence our mental vitality. 

It allows us to think critically, question information, and make informed decisions. As we progress through our lives, our mental growth will enable us to become more independent, responsible, and self-sufficient.

Mental Growth and Personal Growth and Development

Mental growth is essential to personal growth and development. The two are intertwined; you cannot have one without the other. Mental growth enables you to acquire new skills, knowledge, and abilities. It allows you to grow and expand your horizons. 

As a result, self-growth and development allow you to use your mental growth to its fullest potential. In addition, it enables you to apply your new skills and knowledge to become a better person and to live a more fulfilling life.

Obstacles to Mental Growth

There are multiple reasons why some people have challenges with mental growth. People may not realize they are experiencing lagging in their mental health. For example, your childhood can impact your ability to see growth opportunities, thus, blocking you from seeing growth opportunities. 

Poor mental health

If someone struggles with mental health, it can interfere with their ability to grow and develop. Mental health can affect our emotions, thoughts, and behavior, making it challenging to work on self-development. Some people may need clinical intervention such as therapy and medication to allow them to have the capacity to experience mental growth. 

Negative Thinking

People with a negative view of life can struggle to grow and develop. If someone is always thinking negatively, it can be challenging to grow and establish themselves as they will focus on the negative aspects of themselves and their life. Negative thinking can also hold someone back from taking risks and trying new things, which can be essential for growth.

Low Self Esteem

Low self-esteem can be a barrier to change and growth. Here are some reasons why: People who feel bad about themselves are less likely to engage in positive behaviors that would help their mental health.

  • Low self-esteem can lead to negative thoughts and beliefs in themselves.

  • People who feel unworthy tend to lack the confidence to face challenges.  

No Motivation

Since personal development requires consistency, time, and effort, you must have the desire to learn and face new challenges if you want to grow. Therefore if you lack motivation, you won't learn effectively and may get bored with the process. 

Negative Influences

Bad influences can keep someone from mental growth by filling that person's mind with negativity and discouraging thoughts. 

The "wrong crowd" can prevent someone from exploring new ideas and possibilities and growing their understanding and knowledge. Additionally, it can lead to sadness, anger, and other negative emotions that can interfere with mental growth.

5 Simple Ways to Achieve Mental Growth in Life

Good news! You can do simple things to strengthen mentally, and here are five.

  1. Read regularly. You can read anything from fiction to non-fiction, biographies to blogs (like this Daley Word😊. Reading exposes you to new information, perspectives, and worlds that can help expand your mind.

  2. Try new things. Activities are as simple as taking a different route to work or signing up for a therapeutic art class to help keep your mind active and learning.

  3. Think outside the box. When faced with a problem or challenge, think of different ways to solve it. This mental exercise can help to boost your creativity and problem-solving skills.

  4. Keep a journal: Writing is an excellent way to track your thoughts and progress and document any new insights or ideas you may have.

  5. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness helps you focus on the present moment, which can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. In addition, it also helps improve your memory and concentration.

You Deserve a Joyous Life

Mental growth is vital because it allows us to grow and become the best versions of ourselves. It allows us to think, learn, and make decisions that will benefit us and society. Ultimately, it helps you experience joy and increases your resiliency.